(204) 687-0495
(800) 565-2595
Western Manitoba, MB
Phone # not available
(204) 990-2171 [Open water & Ice]
Bruin Outfitting and Guide Service
Eastern Manitoba [Multiple Lakes]
(204) 291-5375 [Open water & Ice]
(517) 676-FISH
(888) 228-3933 [Open water & Ice]
Catdaddy Fishing Guide Service
(204) 461-4511
(204) 884-2301
(204) 299-3554 [Open water & Ice]
(204) 724-0371 [Ice]
(204) 960-7830 [Open water & Ice]
(204) 226-5478 [Open water & Ice]
(204) 617-7009
Out of the Blue Aquatic Adventures
(204) 751-0053 [Open water & Ice]
(204) 677-9303
(204) 837-6804
(204) 757-9876
(204) 617-7009 [Open water & Ice]
(204) 794-6122 [Ice]
(204) 638-7755
(204) 638-3658
(204) 884-2321 [Open water & Ice]
(204) 408-0711 [Open water & Ice]
(877) 358-2341 [Open water & Ice]
(800) 565-2595
Bruin Outfitting and Guide Service
Eastern Manitoba [Multiple Lakes]
(204) 291-5375 [ Open water & Ice ]
(517) 676-FISH
Out of the Blue Aquatic Adventures
(204) 751-0053 [ Open water & Ice ]
(204) 687-0495
(204) 617-7009
Out of the Blue Aquatic Adventures
(204) 751-0053 [ Open water & Ice ]
(204) 617-7009 [ Open water & Ice ]
(877) 358-2341 [ Open water & Ice ]
(204) 990-2171 [Open water & Ice]
(888) 228-3933 [Open water & Ice]
Catdaddy Fishing Guide Service
(204) 461-4511
(204) 884-2301
(204) 299-3554[Open water & Ice]
(204) 724-0371 [Ice]
(204) 960-7830 [Open water & Ice]
(204) 226-5478 [Open water & Ice]
Out of the Blue Aquatic Adventures
(204) 751-0053 [Open water & Ice]
(204) 837-6804
(204) 794-6122 [Ice]
(204) 638-7755
(204) 884-2321 [Open water & Ice]
(204) 408-0711 [Open water & Ice]
(204) 681-3250
(204) 990-2171
Bruin Outfitting and Guide Service
Eastern Manitoba [Multiple Lakes]
(204) 291-5375 [Open water & Ice]
(888) 228-3933
(204) 624-5750
(204) 724-0371
(204) 960-7830
(204) 226-5478
Lake Winnipeg Ice Fishing Shack Rentals
(204) 406-5586
(204) 868-8377
(204) 617-7009
(204) 918-2226
(204) 757-9876
(866) 214-8402
(204) 617-7009
(204) 794-6122
(204) 638-3658
(204) 884-2321
No listings available
Bruin Outfitting and Guide Service
Eastern Manitoba [Multiple Lakes]
(204) 291-5375 [Open water & Ice]
(204) 681-3250
(204) 624-5750
(204) 868-8377
(204) 617-7009
(204) 617-7009
(204) 990-2171
(888) 228-3933
(204) 724-0371
(204) 960-7830
(204) 226-5478
Lake Winnipeg Ice Fishing Shack Rentals
(204) 406-5586
(204) 918-2226
(204) 757-9876
(866) 214-8402
(204) 794-6122
(204) 638-3658
(204) 884-2321
Baitboyz Tackle
Warren, MB
(204) 461-0490
(204) 825-7254
(204) 422-5544
(204) 623-5907
(204) 247-0055
(204) 623-5907
(204) 574-6327
(204) 785-8860
No listings available
No listings available
Baitboyz Tackle
Warren, MB
(204) 461-0490
(204) 825-7254
(204) 422-5544
(204) 247-0055
(204) 574-6327
(204) 785-8860
(204) 687-0495
(800) 565-2595
(204) 681-3250
(866) 691-3169
Benson's Big Rock Camp & Campground
(204) 803-1942
(800) 348-5824
(204) 480-9393
(800) 665-5321
(517) 676-FISH
(844) 725-6633
(204) 624-5467
(204) 473-2362
(612) 432-0005
(204) 222-7307
(715) 955-4110
Dunlop's Fly-In Lodge & Outposts Lake
(204) 392-5437
(204) 884-2301
(204) 250-3323
No phone # available
(204) 792-707
(888) 559-6633
(204) 624-5750
(204) 823-1509
(204) 277-5262
(204) 792-8746
Gangler's North Seal River Lodge
(352) 237-3474
(204) 884-2121
(250) 486-0006
(204) 366-2333
(866) 244-7453
(204) 647-0881
(204) 628-3491
Healey's Gods Lake Narrows Lodge
(204) 335-2405
(204) 340-5663
(204) 345-8322
(888) 244-7453
(204) 923-0332
(800) 230-5519
(855) 604-0567
(204) 682-7489
(800) 426-2533
(204) 803-3444
Lynn Lake Fly-In Outpost Camps
(320) 760-9550
(204) 639-2351
(844) 265-2208
(888) 300-2650
(204) 868-8377
(204) 617-7009
(866) 531-3848
(204) 878-5090
(204) 472-3285
(800) 563-7151
(204) 767-2330
(204) 687-8175
(800) 771-9817
(204) 837-6804
(204) 330-1758
(866) 214-8402
Sasa-ginni-gak Lodge & Outcamps
(204) 336-0798
(204) 468-2025
(204) 480-8674
Silver Birch Resort & Outfitting
(204) 437-2443
(204) 617-7009
(800) 521-1347
(204) 794-6122
(204) 638-7755
(204) 358-2485
(204) 472-3889
(204) 884-2321
(204) 472-3337
(204) 755-3473
(204) 479-3344
(877) 358-2341
(204) 525-4313
(204) 803-1942
Whiteshell Provincial Park, MB
(204) 348-7605
(204) 785-1711
(204) 473-2362
Gangler's North Seal River Lodge
(352) 237-3474
(204) 647-0881
(800) 426-2533
Lynn Lake Fly-In Outpost Camps
(320) 760-9550
(204) 677-9303
(204) 358-2485
(800) 565-2595
(866) 691-3169
(800) 348-5824
(800) 665-5321
(517) 676-FISH
(715) 955-4110
Dunlop's Fly-In Lodge & Outposts
(204) 392-5437
(888) 559-6633
(204) 823-1509
(204) 792-8746
(250) 486-0006
(204) 366-2333
Healey's Gods Lake Narrows Lodge
(204) 335-2405
(888) 244-7453
(855) 604-0567
(204) 803-3444
(844) 265-2208
Munroe Lake, MB
(888) 300-2650
(866) 531-3848
(204) 878-5090
(800) 563-7151
(204) 767-2330
Sasa-ginni-gak Lodge & Outcamps
(204) 336-0798
(204) 480-8674
(800) 521-1347
(204) 755-3473
(204) 687-0495
(204) 681-3250
(844) 725-6633
(204) 624-5467
No phone # available
(204) 792-7074
(204) 624-5750
(866) 244-7453
(204) 340-5663
(204) 923-0332
(800) 230-5519
(204) 682-7489
(204) 639-2351
(204) 868-8377
(204) 617-7009
(204) 472-3285
(204) 687-8175
(800) 771-9817
(204) 468-2025
(204) 617-7009
(204) 472-3889
(204) 472-3337
(877) 358-2341
(204) 803-1942
Benson's Big Rock Camp & Campground
(204) 803-1942
(204) 480-9393
(204) 624-5467
(612) 432-0005
(204) 222-7307
(204) 884-2301
(204) 250-3323
(204) 277-5262
(204) 884-2121
(204) 628-3491
(204) 345-8322
(204) 837-6804
(204) 330-1758
(866) 214-8402
Silver Birch Resort & Outfitting
(204) 437-2443
(204) 794-6122
(204) 638-7755
(204) 884-2321
(204) 479-3344
(204) 525-4313
Whiteshell Provincial Park, MB
(204) 348-7605
(204) 785-1711
(431) 305-7075
(204) 586-8021
(204) 284-1874
(431) 205-6333
(888) 321-5728
Leckie's Division of Lakefish Net & Twine Ltd
(204) 774-1887
(204) 724-0765
(204) 247-0055
(204) 623-4774
(204) 433-3087
(204) 757-9876
(204) 586-8021
No listings available
No listings available
Pete's Pro Tackle The Pas, MB (204) 623-4774
C.K Sporting Goods Ashern, MB (431) 305-7075
Cabela’s Winnipeg, MB 204-586-8021
Continental Sports Inc Winnipeg, MB (204) 284-1874
Fehr's Sporting Goods Inc. Steinbach, MB (431) 205-6333
Harvester Outdoors Selkirk, MB (888) 321-5728
Leckie's Division of Lakefish Net & Twine Ltd Winnipeg, MB (204) 774-1887
Lil Bait 'N' Tackle Shop Rapid City, MB (204) 724-0765
Patch's Bait & Tackle Roblin, MB (204) 247-0055
Rat River Outdoors St Pierre-Jolys, MB (204) 433-3087
Red River Cats Lockport, MB (204) 757-9876
The Fishin' Hole Ltd Winnipeg, MB (204) 586-8021
1 (800) 782-0076